The Non-PSP-Version has a makefile made by me (which is not very good) and for the PSP-Version a modified version of the original makefile is used.

I used gcc 3.4.6 and KOS 1.3.0 for compiling the emulator. It would be a lot of work to implement a working DynaRec core for the Dreamcast and there would be only little RAM left to be used for the DynaRec. However, the CPU core is completely free of optimizations and there is no DynaRec available. This emulator is not completely without optimization, the graphics plug-in for example uses the TA directly to get the maximum speed. Both speed and graphics are far from being playable, and I can’t imagine that a N64 emulator can ever run at 25+ FPS on the Dreamcast.

Both versions only use the interpreter core of emulator and neither version has support for sound or saving. I have ported two versions of Daedalus to the Dreamcast, mainly to see how the performance would be. It really does seem too good to be true, doesn't it? .uk has all the technical details:
The fact that it can run Playstation 1 games at more or less full speed via Bleem is impressive enough, but now it looks as if someone has found a way to run Nintendo 64 games on it! Even more surprisingly, it has apparently been done by simply porting a PSP version of the emulator over with almost zero extra work, and at least for Super Mario 64, it runs with almost all the graphics intact! There is no sound and it runs at 10fps at the fastest, but this is still an incredible feat! Here's a video that the programmer named Simpson474 put together: We've all seen that the Dreamcast can be quite the clever piece of kit when it comes to emulation.